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Edward Calloway

I first became aware [of my sexuality] when I was around six. I never personally related it to sexuality—it was more of a feeling—but I couldn't honestly pinpoint or attach a label or anything to it because it felt so foreign to me: the concept of same-sex attraction and it being natural or not related to trauma or negative sentiment or ostracization.

I didn't believe that you could be gay and Christian because of never experiencing an openly gay Christian around me or being educated of the love of Christ simultaneously. They were also separate concepts, never interlinked.

[My beliefs] have [changed] for me. My own journey has taught me the love of Christ and the unconditional love he has for me. I believe that I am not a mistake and he knew before I did of my sexuality, therefore I will not question or listen to anyone else except God and follow my heart and the greatest commandment, and that is to "love your God above everything and your neighbor as yourself" (Matt. 22:37).

I found an affirmative congregation and attended my first GCN conference. I also listened to a lot of pastors such as TD Jakes, and that helped me along with reading Scripture and praying along my journey with the assistance and continuation of therapy.

I would describe my life as more clarity, though I feel I am still unpacking the internalized homophobia and traumas I experienced. I have a better sense of who I am because of God and his love. The resources and my family and friends have also aided my affirmation.